every action you make costs energy. we help you choose them wisely

sustainable design & environmental engineering
26.10.2024 – PhD thesis shortlisted for the annual exhibition of architecture “2024 Salon Arhitekture Novi Sad” and as one of the nominees in the category “Best architecture publication”
10.09.2024 –Lecture “Refurbish/Replace Dilemma” as part of a panel discussion on “Sustainable Potentials of Refurbishment Practice” at WGBC24 organized by Savet zelene gradnje Srbije | Serbia GBC and Privredna komora Srbije | Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.
27.05.2024 – Studio Ener-tekt becomes a member of a Serbian Green Building Council (SGBC)
21.03.2024 – Aleksandar Tepavčević successfully defended his PhD thesis at Graz University of Technology.
29.09.2023 – Studio Ener-tekt participated in the panel discussion “Take A Ride On A Green Side”, organized by the Association of Serbian Architectural Practices (ASAP) in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia. Watch the full video
22.10.2022 – Studio Ener-tekt was part of the team led by architect Vlada Lukic that received a recognition award at the Studentski grad competition held in Belgrade
our clients

Celadon Wood Resorts
Phanton Shopping
Studio Solarix